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Authors ANDREA CAMPBELL'S WEBSITE, http://www.andreacampbell.com AUTHORSDEN.COM CHILDREN'S BOOKS COUNCIL (CBC) is a nonprofit trade association whose membership consists of U.S. publishers and packagers of trade book for children and young adults, and producers of related literacy materials. The CBC promotes the use and enjoyment of children’s trade books and related materials and disseminates information about publishing. http://www.cbcbooks.org/html/aboutauthors.html. CYNTHIA LEITICH SMITH KATY TERREGA'S NEWSLETTER FOR EROTICA WRITERS, http://www.katyterrega.com/newsletter.html MERYL.NET, http://www.meryl.net WORD MUSEUM, http://www.wordmuseum.com
Author's Resources & Services AMERICAN BOOK COOPERATIVE LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITE -- The ABC Web site is finally online at http://www.americanbookcooperative.org. Contact Rita Mills books@ghg.net AUTHORLINK, http://www.authorlink.com BOOKWIRE, http://www.bookwire.com, with over 18,000 reverse links, BookWire is THE MOST comprehensive online portal into the book industry. Our mission is to provide librarians, publishers, booksellers, authors, and general book enthusiasts with the resources they need. CREATIVE JOURNALING, http://www.lbcreative.com/journ/journaling.htm DALLAS/IABC FREELANCE DIRECTORY, http://www.dallasiabc.com/findafreelancer/directory2.html#editing J.M.H. CREATIVE SOLUTIONS, http://www.jmhcreativesolutions.com NATIONAL CENTER FOR ILLUSTRATED CHILDREN'S LITERATURE (Abilene, Texas), http://www.nccil.org PUREHUMOR JOKE LIST, http://www.escribe.com/humor/pj TEXAS AUTHORS web site offers one handy location for authors, publishers, and writing organizations to promote their books, newsletters, and upcoming events to the writing (& reading!) community.http://www.texasauthors.com/index.htm and for an amazing list of Publishing Resources across and beyond Texas visit http://www.texasauthors.com/Texas_authors_publishing.htm. TEXAS BOOK FESTIVAL, http://www.texasbookfestival.org TEXAS COALITION OF AUTHORS, http://texasauthors.org THE BURRY MAN FREELANCE WRITING RESOURCES - Jobs & Freelance Opportunities the largest list of writer-specific job resources online Freelance Opportunities. Visit: http://www.burryman.com/freelance.html THE DABBLING MUM, http://thedabblingmum.com THE E-WRITER'S PLACE AND CREATIVE SPARKS!, http://www.ewritersplace.com THE INSIDE SUCCESS SHOW, http://www.theinsidesuccessshow.com THE PAGAN MUSE, http://thepaganmuse.freewebpage.org WINNING WRITERS, http://www.winningwriters.com/?jg03 WOMEN TOGETHER BOOK CLUB, http://www.women-together.com/bookclub.htm ZEBRA COMMUNICATIONS, http://www.zebraeditor.com ZONGOO is a submission service for writers and content finder for publishers. Zongoo! gives exposure for writers, promotes their work for free. Publishers can syndicate our content or cobrand our database. http://www.zongoo.com Ezines BRADY MAGAZINE, http://www.bradymagazine.com HEALTHY WEALTHY-N-WISE, http://www.healthywealthynwise.com SOUTHWEST REVIEW (SMU, DALLAS)
Grants FEDERAL GRANTS - If you are interested in updates on federal grant opportunities, you can sign up for email notification of federal grants in your areas of interest.www.grants.gov THE FOUNDATION CENTER helps grant seekers succeed and grant makers make a difference. Home: http://fdncenter.org.For writers: http://www.fdncenter.org/learn/useraids/write.html Libraries/Museums AUSTIN PUBLIC LIBRARY, http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/library/support.htm CENTRAL TEXAS LIBRARY SYSTEM, http://www.ctls.net DALLAS MUSEUM Writers' Organizations BAY AREA WRITERS LEAGUE, http://www.bawl.org COWTOWN CRIME SOLVERS DALLAS AREA ROMANCE AUTHORS DALLAS FORT WORTH AREA SCREENWRITERS
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S WRITING GUILD, a network for the empowerment of women through writing. http://www.iwwg.com IRVING WRITERS CONNECTION MYSTERY WRITERS OF AMERICA (NATIONAL GROUP), http://www.mysterywriters.org NATIONAL LEAGUE OF AMERICAN PEN WOMEN, http://www.americanpenwomen.org NORTH CENTRAL (DALLAS) TEXAS CHAPTER
OF SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) NORTH TEXAS (BEDFORD) PROFESSIONAL
http://www.sistersincrime.org SOCIETY FOR TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION
(DALLAS CHAPTER) TEXAS COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH, http://tcte.org TEXAS INSTITUTE OF LETTERS, http://www.stedwards.edu/newc/marks/til TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, http://www.texasbookfestival.org TEXAS STATE READING ASSOCIATION, http://www.tsra.us THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATORS (IABC) has a Freelance Directory. Visit the one for Dallas: http://www.dallasiabc.com/findafreelancer/directory2.html#editing THE WRITER’S GARRET (NEAR MESQUITE) TRINITY WRITERS WORKSHOP WBA DALLAS CHAPTER WOODLANDS WRITERS GUILD, http://www.woodlandsonline.com/cdps/cditem.cfm?nid=4100 WORDSPACE (DALLAS), Robert
Trammell, 1910 Mecca, Dallas, TX 75206 Subscriptions CREATIVE SMALL BIZ, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Creative_Small_Biz YOUR EVERYDAY WRITE, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/YourEveryDayWrite ENEWSLETTER JOURNAL, http://www.freetechmail.org/ViewItem.asp?Id=1025 ONLINE CREATIVE WRITING, http://www.writing.com/?rfrc=wd Writers Helping Writers BOOK-IN-A-WEEK, http://www.book-in-a-week.com ELITESKILLS, http://www.eliteskills.com.
INK TANK is currently seeking to expand its membership. Ink Tank is a private, tight-knit group of devoted writers interested in various genre of essays, prose, fiction, articles, non-fiction, and creative non-fiction. They are seeking serious writers who are interested in submitting their work and critiquing the work of others. Those interested in joining should be willing to give and receive honest, fair, and objective critiques and should be willing participate regularly. To learn more contact Steven Sharp, at ssharp1@writenow.com. WRITING.COM, Premiere online writing community: innovative portfolios & email, rating & reviewing system, creative environment, friendly members! http://wd.Writing.Com |
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